The second part of the Erasmus + project: Empower Entrepreneurial Spirit coordinated by Association for Non-formal Education from Poland was hold in Krapinske Toplice, in Croatia from 25th till 30 th of March 2017.
In the seminar participated 10 organisations, 30 participants from 10 countries and the managing team of the project (Association for Non-formal Education-Poland, Centar za Izvrsnost u Razvoju -Croatia, Asociación Mundus- Spain, Venti di Sambio-Italy, Biofocus- Hungary, TAKIM YILDIZI – Turkey, Associations of citizens Zona Kavadarci- Macedonia, SYTEV-Slovak Youth of Travelling, Education and Volunteering -Slovakia, Europe on the Move -Bulgaria, PRAXIS – Greece).
The main objective of the project is to promote education about social entrepreneurship and to strengthen the spirit of entrepreneurship among young people. During the seminar participants have shared results from the local tasks realised in their communities in between two international project events. The 1st project event was organised in Poland, in Olsztynek, in September 2016.
They presented workshops on communication and creativity conducted for youth, seniors, volunteers in their home cities and Power Point Presentations and movies about social enterprises from their regions. It was very informative, inspiring and exciting day. Second day was dedicated to get to know the circle of social entrepreneurship (why to become entrepreneur, what are the barriers for success, what are the similarities and differences between social and regular entrepreneur, etc.). Later on participants were working on the characteristic of the leader/manager of social enterprise, and have analyzed the relation between entrepreneurial skills and human being characteristics. In the last part participants have analyzed team member roles at individual level (collaborator, communicator, contributor, challenger) and the correlation between team work process and team work roles was discussed. At the and of the day we have watched very inspirational movie about success in business: JOY.
The third day during our Erasmus + project was dedicated to work on business idea development. We have been working with the business cases of 3 representatives from Zagreb, and Baranya region from Croatia. Invited organisations and companies have explained their business models and difficulties they are facing in executing their business strategy. The participant were working in groups to generate ideas, create solutions and make SWOT analysis for the cases. The results of the group work were very useful and productive. Our guests were amazed with the creativity level, motivation and dedication of the international group playing role of consultants.
The 4th and 5th day was dedicated for creating the guide for youth workers based on the activities implemented by the participants during local workshops in their local communities. We have been also working on the content of the catalog of the social enterprises, discovering key actions of Erasmus + and creating project ideas for future cooperation. Participants were engaged and fully committed to their tasks.
The 6th day was dedicated to getting to know Erasmus + Programe and to the work on project ideas of the participants under Erasmus +. There was also time dedicated for final evaluation and dissemination of the project on social networks. We have celebrated together during Farewall/retro party, participants have received certificates and say goodbye to each other. It was amazing week with lots of positive energy, new ideas, motivation, entrepreneurial spirit in the air, new friendships and partnerships.
During the project among the participants was established team for guide and catalog design and this team will work together after the project to complete the two project results.